At risk groups in the home – caring for family members who are at increased risk of infection | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

At risk groups in the home – caring for family members who are at increased risk of infection

In any home, there are likely to be one or more family members who, for one reason or another, have reduced immunity to infection. This leaflet has been put together to provide background information on these groups. This briefing material has been produced for those who work in healthcare professions, the media and others who are looking for some background understanding of hygiene issues related to vulnerable family members, and/or those who are responsible for providing guidance to the public on coping with hygiene issues associated with vulnerable family members. The evidence base which was used for development of this document is summarised in the following IFH review document: The changing hygiene climate: a review of infectious disease in the home and community.
International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene