Benchtop steam sterilisers in primary care advice statement 003/11 | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Benchtop steam sterilisers in primary care advice statement 003/11

Following an assessment of the current literature, SHTG has determined that there is lack of evidence to conclude that the provision of benchtop steam vacuum sterilisers in primary care dental practices in Scotland would increase patient safety and thereby justify the cost This advice represents the view of SHTG at the date noted. It is provided to inform NHS boards in Scotland when determining the place of health technologies for local use. The content of this Advice Statement was accurate and based upon the most up-to-date evidence available at the time of publication. Readers are asked to consider that new trials and technologies may have emerged since first publication and the evidence presented may no longer be current. SHTG Advice Statement will be reviewed on a 2-yearly basis. The evidence will be updated if requested by the clinical community, dependent on new published reports.
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland