Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) and Occupational Exposure | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) and Occupational Exposure

Web directory
Many organisms are potentially transmissible in the occupational setting via percutaneous (sharp) or mucocutaneous (mucous membrane/broken skin) routes. Information and guidance for the occupational setting on the three most recognised bloodborne viruses in the United Kingdom are available on this site
Health Protection Agency (HPA)
Clinical description
Public information

Expert Review

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The web directory provides links to information, epidemiology, laboratory services and surveillance data on the three most recognised blood borne viruses in the UK plus related topics such as healthcare associated infections, injecting drug users and tuberculosis.The main blood borne viruses in the UK – information and guidance in the occupational setting Hepatitis B Hepatitis C HIV and AIDSRelated topics – information and guidance on a variety of issues Healthcare associated infection Injecting drug users Tuberculosis – information and guidance in the occupational setting Main Menu General information and advice for clinical healthcare workers Epidemiological data – surveillance and occupational transmission of HIV GuidelinesLaboratory services BBV’s Unit/Hepatitis Reference laboratory Sexually transmitted viruses/HIV Reference Laboratory Publications ContractsUpdates Surveillance reports Examples of good and bad practice to avoid sharps injury Downloadable poster for sharps injuries first aid Reporting occupational exposure to BBV’s transmission
Questions Addressed:
The web directory provides links to information, epidemiological data, laboratory services and surveillance data on the three most recognised blood borne viruses in the UK plus related topics such as healthcare associated infections, injecting drug users and tuberculosis.
Type of Study:
Methods Valid:
Methods Valid Detail:

Title of web directory confusing as not just about occupational exposure to blood borne virus but includes occupational exposure to TB and information/links to subjects such as Endoscopes, multi-resistant Acinetobacter outbreaks, data from MRSA mandatory surveillance and issues of BBVs and other infectious diseases for drug users.

Results Reliability:
Problems or Biases:

Would not necessarily search for some of the documents included in a web directory entitled ‘Blood borne virus and occupational exposure’ – may cause some confusion

Relevant Studies:
Hepatitis B Hepatitis C HIV healthcare associated infection occupational exposure tuberculosis blood borne viruses
Reviewer Name:
Sue Wiseman
Reviewer Post:
Nurse Consultant –Infection Control, DH
Reviewer Affiliations:
Member Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens Health Protection Adviser Royal College of Nursing P/T Member Infection Control Nurses Association