Effective control measures limited measles outbreak after extensive nosocomial exposures in January-February 2008 in Gothenburg, Sweden | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Effective control measures limited measles outbreak after extensive nosocomial exposures in January-February 2008 in Gothenburg, Sweden

Journal article, Surveillance data
In January-February 2008, one imported case of measles initiated a series of exposures with around 380 nosocomial secondary contacts. Susceptible individuals were traced early and control measures were initiated that managed to limit the consequences considerably. Only four secondary cases were identified by the end of March. This minor outbreak illustrates the importance and efficiency of early control measures as well as the fact that the risk of measles outbreaks still exists in a country that has high measles, mumps, rubella vaccination coverage among children.
P FollinL DotevallM JertbornY KhalidJ Å LiljeqvistS MuntzI QvarfordtA SöderströmÅ WimanC ÅhrénP ÖsterbergK Johansen EurosurveillanceVolume 13Issue 3024 July 2008