Evolution of the pandemic of A(H1N1)v influenza (downloadable ECDC PowerPoint slides) | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Evolution of the pandemic of A(H1N1)v influenza (downloadable ECDC PowerPoint slides)

This is an open-access ECDC Educational PowerPoint presentation arranged in modules for use by professional explaining about the new A(H1N1)v virus to other professionals and policy makers. The slides should always be viewed with their accompanying notes, and ‘cutting and pasting’ is not recommended. A number of the slides will change with time. The slides are updated at intervals and the user should periodically check for updates available on the ECDC website: http://ecdc.europa.eu/ Comments on the slides and the notes are very much welcomed to be sent to influenza@ecdc.europa.eu.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Clinical description