General information and infection control precautions to minimise transmission of Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) in the healthcare setting | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

General information and infection control precautions to minimise transmission of Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) in the healthcare setting

Avoiding transmission of acute respiratory infections in healthcare settings can prevent considerable mortality, morbidity and healthcare costs. Patients in healthcare settings, which include acute hospitals, outpatient clinics, A&E departments, specialised units and primary care, are often vulnerable because of age or chronic disease, and may suffer more severe disease or complications from acute respiratory infections. This document summarises recommendations for the prevention and control of acute respiratory infections in healthcare settings for clinical and public health colleagues. Preventing infection in healthcare settings requires the consistent application of infection control measures by healthcare workers and the involvement of the local infection control team. It also requires efforts to: maximise coverage of seasonal influenza vaccine among vulnerable groups and healthcare workers, and limit the spread of infection by visitors or infected staff, as well as general education and awareness-raising. The generic information in Part 1 sets the scene, with more specific guidance on transmission-based precautions to interrupt the known routes of transmission of acute respiratory tract infections in Part 2. The focus is on the prevention of common acute respiratory infections rather than dealing with situations such as emerging/pandemic respiratory pathogens (eg MERS-CoV) or with infections such as tuberculosis for which specific guidance is available. Application of the guidance should always be informed by a situation-specific risk assessment. The information contained within this document is regularly reviewed
Health Protection Scotland (HPS)