HPA Guidelines for the Public Health Management of Pertussis | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

HPA Guidelines for the Public Health Management of Pertussis

Best practice
These guidelines update and consolidate the guidance published in 2002 for use of erythromycin chemoprophylaxis in persons exposed to pertussis (Dodhia et al.Journal of Public Health Medicine 2002;Vol 24:No 3:pp 200-206). A specialist HPA working group was established to review all currently available scientific evidence and consult with experts where required. The revised guidelines have been circulated within the HPA for comment and signed off by the HPA Vaccine Programme Board. These guidelines incorporate recommendations for use of newer macrolides in the treatment and prevention of pertussis and use of the TdaP/IPV vaccine for contacts over 10 years of age for whom chemoprophylaxis is indicated. The guidelines have also been extensively restructured to improve ease of reference. The information presented by this guidance is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgement of healthcare professionals
Health Protection Agency