Sensitivity and specificity of the user-seal-check in determining the fit of N95 respirators | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Sensitivity and specificity of the user-seal-check in determining the fit of N95 respirators

Journal article
N95 respirators are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent the inhalation of droplets which may transmit respiratory pathogens. The reliability of N95 respirators in preventing transmission depends on their fit to the wearer. Quantitative fit testing (QNFT) is the gold standard used to determine this fit objectively. The manufacturers of the respirators also recommend performing a self-reported user-seal-check to detect for leakage. This study aims to investigate the capability of the user-seal-check in determining the fit of N95 respirators by investigating the sensitivity and specificity of the user-seal-check compared with QNFT.
S.C. Lam J.K.L. Lee S.Y. Yau and C.Y.C. Charm Journal of Hospital Infection Volume 77Issue 3March 2011Pages 252-256