Systematic Review of Studies on Compliance with Hand Hygiene Guidelines in Hospital Care | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Systematic Review of Studies on Compliance with Hand Hygiene Guidelines in Hospital Care

Systematic review
A systematic review of studies published before January 1, 2009, on observed or self–reported compliance rates. Noncompliance with hand hygiene guidelines is a universal problem, which calls for standardized measures for research and monitoring. Theoretical models from the behavioral sciences should be used internationally and should be adapted to better explain the complexities of hand hygiene.
Vicki Erasmus, Thea J. Daha, Hans Brug, Jan Hendrik Richardus, Myra D. Behrend, Margreet C. Vos, Ed F. van Beeck, | Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 201031:283–294