Tattooing and body piercing guidance Toolkit | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Tattooing and body piercing guidance Toolkit

Best practice, Review
There are known and well reported health risks which can be attributed to tattooing and body piercing procedures. Improper and unhygienic practice may result in localised skin infections at the site of the tattoo or piercing. There is also the risk of transmission of blood-borne viruses like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D or HIV, which have serious and long term health consequences. It is important that practitioners have safe working practices and particularly that good infection control practices are followed at all times, so that both clients and practitioners are protected. A practical tattooing and body piercing guidance toolkit prepared by health protection representatives including Public Health England and practitioners is now available. The working group intend to reconvene to consider all feedback provided on the use of this guidance toolkit six months after publication. Send your feedback to Ian Gray, Principal Policy Officer at the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health by 8 February 2014.
Public Health England, CIEH,
Public information