The Potential for Airborne Dispersal of Clostridium difficile from Symptomatic Patients | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

The Potential for Airborne Dispersal of Clostridium difficile from Symptomatic Patients

Journal article
The high transmissibility and widespread environmental contamination by Clostridium difficile suggests the possibility of airborne dissemination of spores.Airborne and environmental C. difficile adjacent to patients with symptomatic C. difficile infection (CDI) were measured Aerosolization of C. difficile occurs commonly but sporadically in patients with symptomatic CDI. This may explain the widespread dissemination of epidemic strains. These results emphasize the importance of single–room isolation as soon as possible after the onset of diarrhea to limit the dissemination of C. difficile
Emma L. BestWarren N. FawleyPeter Parnelland Mark H. Wilcox. Clinical Infectious Diseases 201050:1450–1457