Trends of antimicrobial consumption in the community and in the hospital sector across Europe | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Trends of antimicrobial consumption in the community and in the hospital sector across Europe

Surveillance data
ECDC published the third annual report of the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network (ESAC-Net). The report is based on antimicrobial consumption data from the community (primary care sector) and the hospital sector reported to ECDC for the year 2012 by 28 EU Member States and two EEA non-EU countries (Iceland and Norway). It presents data for the three major categories of antimicrobials: antibacterials for systemic use (ATC group J01); antimycotics for systemic use and antifungals for systemic use (ATC groups J02 & D01BA); antivirals for systemic use (ATC group J05). Misuse and overuse of antimicrobial agents is one of the main factors responsible for the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. This has become a serious threat to public health, notably because of the emergence and spread of highly-resistant bacteria, and because there are very few novel antimicrobial agents in the research and development pipeline. European countries increasingly implement, or plan to implement, actions to control antimicrobial resistance in the community through rational use of antimicrobials, including awareness campaigns on the prudent use of antibiotics. Data on antimicrobial consumption in Europe, and in particular the consumption of antibiotics, can inform healthcare professionals and policy makers to help them monitor progress towards a more prudent use of these medicines. In addition to the report, a selection of tables showing trends of antibacterials for systemic use in the community and in the hospital sector, 2008-2012 are available as separate downloadable files (Excel, PNG). ECDC also provides access to an interactive database on the ECDC website. It allows the display of selected data on antimicrobial consumption in different formats such as tables, maps and figures. The database includes data on antimicrobial consumption in EU Member States and two EEA non-EU countries (Iceland and Norway) from 1997 to 2012.