Working Group to Address the Needs of Those Potentially Exposed to a Blood-Borne Virus (Second Report) Advice to the Scottish Executive on protecting font-line workers and victims of crime from blood-borne viral infections and from anxiety about them | National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Working Group to Address the Needs of Those Potentially Exposed to a Blood-Borne Virus (Second Report) Advice to the Scottish Executive on protecting font-line workers and victims of crime from blood-borne viral infections and from anxiety about them

Care guideline, Review
The Scottish Executives February 2005 consultation document 'Blood testing following criminal incdents where there is a risk of infection (BTFCI)) proposed legislation to allow those potentially exposed to a blood-borne virus (BBV) to apply to a civil court for a mandatory blood test Order. A number of arguments for and against this proposal were made in response to the consultation and accordingly this working party was set up and in March 2006 submitted their first report to the Executive with provision for reconsideration 2 years later. This report fulfils the final parts of the working groups remit. The report regard 'front-line workers' as principally comprising police, prison and fire & rescue service staff and includes recomendations on education and to occupational health services with responsibility for these staff. The recommendations do not apply to healthcare workers who face the possibility of exposure to BBV through assault or more commonly needlestick injury. The remit focussed on the risks to those who may face possible exposure to BBV's as victims of crime and/or as a front-line worker. The working party reviewed and evaluated current practice, education and precautionary measures, response to an incident in which exposure may have taken place, and lists a summary of recomendations both to the Scottish Executive Justice Department and the Scottish Executive Health Department
A Working Group established by the Justice Minister under the Chairmanship of The Very Revd Graham Forbes