Rapid risk assessment: Zika virus disease epidemic. 10th update, 4 April 2017
Best practice, Care guideline, Factsheet, Policy
Despite the fact that the Zika virus epidemic is showing signs of a significant slow-down in the Americas and the Caribbean since the last rapid risk assessment in October 2016 [1], the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) Member States should continue to consider a range of options for risk reduction. The predominant mode of transmission for Zika virus is through the bites of infected mosquitoes but the virus can also be transmitted by sexual contact, blood/blood components and possibly other substances of human origin (SoHO). Zika virus infection during pregnancy is associated with intrauterine central nervous system (CNS) infection, congenital malformations and foetal death. Hence, pregnant women are the main risk group and the primary target for preventive measures. ECDC continues to monitor new scientific evidence and is updating the assessment of the risk and options for response accordingly.